• Light Executive Jets: What Are The Advantages Of Using Them?

    Aircraft Charter / Light Executive Jets: What Are The Advantages Of Using Them?

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    Certainly one of the greatest needs of frequent executive aviation users is flexibility. Being able to be in different cities in a single day, regardless of the size and infrastructure of the locations to be served, is a crucial requirement for the adoption of displacements in air taxis or even in their own aircraft. Knowing the conditions of airports throughout the national territory and even in fellow Latin American countries while being able to count on aircraft that can offer the desired versatility, combined with speed in travel and the ease of obtaining support services, all greatly increases the possibilities within the world of executive aviation.

    VLJ — Very Light Jets: How Did They Come About?

    When talking about versatility within executive aviation, we are certainly reminded of iconic aircraft, such as the renowned Beechcraft King Air, especially those of the F90 and C90 family. Even though they are turboprop aircraft, for several decades they represented the leadership of the segment: the ability to operate on unpaved runways and in locations with precarious infrastructure made the American twin-engine a huge sales success, with both thousands of units produced and a very high level of reliability. These aircraft continue to live up to their name, reigning in the skies of our country with comfort, safety, and practicality.

    Although the King Air, along with other equally versatile turboprop models, provided its users with several flight and performance characteristics capable of satisfying their necessities, other manufacturers identified the need to introduce jet aviation within this universe, offering above all, greater flight autonomy, greater speed and, consequently, increased daily productivity and reduced costs per hour flown. In this segment, models of light executive jets are now common in Brazilian airports. Let’s find out about some of these aircraft.

    Embraer Phenom 100 and Phenom 300

    The models developed and manufactured by the Brazilian Embraer achieved an impressive feat: they are, today, the most popular executive jets in Brazil. According to data from ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency), there are 86 units of the Phenom 100 model registered in the country, along with another 47 aircraft of the Phenom 300 model registered with the RAB (Brazilian Aeronautical Registry). Such expressive numbers were reached by the versatility offered by this duo with national DNA: with a cruising speed of 780km/h to 880km/h, and the ability to fly between 41,000 feet and 45,000 feet, they are capable of reaching practically the entire national territory without refueling stops. In addition, they operate with total security on short runways, such as the one at Jacarepaguá airport in Rio de Janeiro, which is just over 900 meters long. Its reduced dimensions allow parking in hangars of different sizes, including in small airport yards with little infrastructure. The comfortable cabin and generous luggage capacity complete the trump card that justifies the reason why Embraer hit the nail on the head with the introduction of the Phenom family in 2007. You can enjoy all the versatility and comfort of these aircraft with the services of Flapper!

    Textron Cessna Citation CJ1

    The direct competitor of the Brazilian Phenom 100 and 300, this American jet is also frequent in the Brazilian aeronautical scenario: there are 55 units registered in the country. The Citation CJ1 incorporates features that make it, in addition to being economical and versatile, a true “war tank” of jet aviation: thanks to its aerodynamic and engineering changes compared to the immediately previous model, the Citation CJ, it became possible to operate the CJ1 on unpaved, grass, or dirt tracks.

    Pilatus PC24

    The business aviation market already knows the robustness and reliability of the Pilatus PC12, the PC24’s little brother. The Swiss turboprop has become synonymous with versatility due to its ability to operate on very short, unpaved runways, in addition to its superior cargo and passenger capacity compared to its direct competitors.

    Based on the wishes of PC12 operators, the introduction of the PC24 into service became a natural process of evolution. Self-styled as a Super Versatile Jet by its manufacturer, it features striking numbers: with a capacity for up to 11 passengers, and flying at a speed of 815km/h at 45,000ft, it is capable of taking off with its maximum weight in a distance of just 893m. This makes it versatile enough for most airports and airfields in the country. Its aerodynamic surfaces, in addition to the set of landing gear, were fully designed to meet the most varied operating challenges, including gravel and grass runways. On the wings, debris deflectors were installed to prevent damage during take-off and landing operations. On landing gear, special tires and extra protections underline the jet’s capacity, which operates as robustly as a turboprop. As it is a recent project, it is not that common to see in the skies. But that’s just a matter of time: soon, the PC24 will be as frequent as its direct competitors!

    Now that you already know some of the main models of light executive jets in operation in Brazil, take advantage of the versatility offered by these aircraft through Flapper. Via our platform it is possible to schedule a flight that meets your needs or even take advantage of our latest empty-legs to various national destinations.

    How To Enjoy The Versatility Of VLJ — Very Light Jets?

    If you are looking to increase your productivity, or even visit distant locations that are not served by regular air transport, Flapper is the ideal platform to help you. We have several aircraft options, including light executive jets, capable of taking you to any location within the national territory, in addition to several countries in Latin America. Through our platform, with flexibility and freedom of choice, it will be possible to opt for some of the most established models on the market very quickly and easily. Access Flapper’s website or download our app and discover all of our facilities!

    Our Services: Aircraft Charter

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