• Transporting pets in flight: Flapper requirements

    Aircraft Charter / Transporting pets in flight: Flapper requirements

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    Even if it is for a brief period, traveling as a family is always a cause for concern and anxiety for those who have pets. With no alternative places to leave their pets, many choose to take them with them If the possibility is already widely used in commercial flights, we emphasize in this article that this is also a possibility inexecutive aviation, where the transport of pets in flight can be carried out in accordance with some requirements of Flapper and its partners.

    In general, the transport of pets in the cabin of air taxis and jets is allowed for cats or small dogs, as long as the weight of the pet added to that of its bag, transport box, or kennel does not exceed 10 kilos. In addition, only one or two animals are allowed per flight, depending on the aircraft.

    It is part of the set of rules for the pet to remain in its transport equipment throughout the trip. That’s because, no matter how calm and peaceful your dog or cat is, flying is almost always a stressful experience for animals, who have to deal with a different environment than they are used to.

    Regarding the health of your pet, you must prove that vaccines are up to date. Therefore, the vaccination card is mandatory. It must contain the date of application, the label with the name of the producing laboratory, the type of vaccine, and the number of the ampoule used in the vouchers.

    Also pay attention to dates: immunizations must have been applied less than a year before the flight date. Another document required with defined periodicity is the animal’s health certificate – printed, signed, and stamped by a veterinarian. The declaration must be valid for one month from the date of issue.

    Guide dogs and larger animals

    The rules above are for smaller pets, but if your pet is medium or large, there are other possibilities. The first of these is for guide dogs, animals trained to accompany blind individuals. They can fly in an air taxi or executive planes, as long as they are equipped with a muzzle throughout the journey.

    Other pets, medium or large, will only be able to board on chartered flights. Even so, it is necessary for the operator to be informed in advance and for them to authorize the presence of an animal.

    Taking your pet on international trips

    Added to the list of requirements for international travel is the International Zoosanitary Certificate, known as CZI. The document must be requested from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, preferably more than 60 days in advance of the trip to avoid unforeseen events, as recommended by the agency.

    For each destination country, there may be specific rules for the entry of dogs, cats, and other animals. The Ministry of Agriculture itself provides a list of requirements for each nation in detail, as well as guidelines for issuing a special certificate that entitles your pet to transit through European Union member countries.

    Preparing your pet

    As fearful as we may be in taking our animals out of the house to fly, air transport is safe for pets. Some good practices, however, will ensure that they travel safely, with less hassle.

    Choosing the right place of transport for the pets is essential. Always check the requirements of Flapper and its partners to see if your box, bag, or kennel is within the rules. Opt for a resistant material that offers internal ventilation and make sure that the lock is in full working order.

    Never choose boxes smaller than recommended. The animal can be greatly harmed by a trip in which it cannot move. In the case of dogs and cats, the ideal size of the box is the one in which the pet can stand up and turn 360° on itself, experts recommend.

    Take the issuance of the health certificate seriously and ask the veterinarian for a complete health assessment of your pet. This professional will be able to give you tips on what the animals should eat before, during, and after the flight.

    After the trip, the ideal is to keep the animal calm, without great excitement and activities. Give food in small portions. Keep an eye on hydration during and after your flight by offering plenty of fresh water. It is important to remember to take a bottle with the liquid for the pet to drink during the journey.

    Fly with Flapper

    At Flapper, the leader in business aviation in Latin America, you can choose a shared flight or charter in more than four thousand aircraft certified by all civil aviation authorities.

    How it works? We are the first on-demand marketplace in Brazil for air taxi jet and helicopter rental. Just use our app and corporate booking platforms to find what best fits your schedule, needs, and reality.

    You can customize pick-up and drop-off locations, dates, times, and aircraft models. All without a headache, in a few clicks, and with the support of Flapper professionals. For a practical, agile, safe, and comfortable experience, fly with us. If you have any questions, please contact us via:


    Our Services: Aircraft Charter

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